The teaching Physical Education at Harvest Home Primary school aims to assist students to develop the competencies and beliefs necessary for incorporating and maintaining regular physical activity into their lives.
Physical Education is an all-encompassing subject, which includes fitness, skills, movement, recreation, health, games, and sport along with the appropriate values and knowledge that are evident in each of these.
In our full-sized sports stadium, the Curriculum focuses on the area of Movement and Physical Activity. This includes ‘moving the body, ‘understanding movement’ and showing how ‘learning through movement’ can be both taught and enjoyed.
Our Physical Education specialist subject is a sequential program that addressed the development of motor skills, physical fitness components, skills, and knowledge all within differentiated instruction. As students’ progress along the curriculum’s learning continuum, they commence with a range of creative, challenging, and enjoyable activities, which allow for the development of simple movement patterns. Students develop the language of ‘play’ and ‘competition’, which allows them to consider others in games, think tactically, co-operate, and share equipment safety.
Maximum participation, enjoyment and safety are always at the forefront of all Physical Education lessons.
It is hoped that students will transfer their learning, including the importance of being physically active and fit to a variety of sports and/or leisure pursuits both within the school itself, but also into the wider local community.