The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is an evidence-based framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour, actions and misconceptions. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members.
It includes analysis of data in professional learning teams, implementation of evidence based practices and organisational systems for establishing a safe, purposeful and inclusive school and community learning environments, while providing the individual the support needed to achieve academic and social success.
SWPBS provides the opportunity to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from
As part of our school’s model, we have 3 behavioural expectations: Being Safe, Being Respectful and Being Your Best. These behaviour expectations support consistent whole-school approach to positive behaviour management process to create safer, inclusive and effective school to support greater opportunities for student wellbeing and improving outcomes. It is a system of clear school-wide expectations with incentives to celebrate expected actions and guidelines to redirect behaviours. It provides direction for intervention when students require guidance and support. Most importantly, it creates an environment that focuses on positive climate for learning, with the student at the centre of all actions and processes.
Students who earn 3 or 5 similar badges will have the opportunity to ‘trade in’ their Hero Badges for a Silver or Gold badge to represent their continuous efforts within their learning communities and the playground. Students then can trade in their Gold and Silver badges on Trade days for prizes and privileges.
Our teachers, students and school community work together to provide an environment that fosters safety and promotes respectful, trusting and caring relationships for every student.
Our behaviour matrix outlines how students can show the expected behaviours in different areas of the school.
Behaviour Matrix
HHPS works within the Victorian Schools SWPBS program. Through professional learning, analysis of positive climate data and assessment of our processes, we were lucky enough to receive a Silver Award. This means we were implementing the essential features of tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity.
Harvest Home Primary School staff will continue to work towards exceeding our Silver Award status and improving our practices as an exemplary Vic SWPBS school. We are aiming to acheive a Gold Award.