Harvest Home Primary School is committed to meeting the educational needs of all our students. We provide the opportunity for students to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, commonly referred to as ICAS.
ICAS are online assessments that are designed to recognise and reward academic excellence.
Please note, at Harvest Home Primary School these are optional assessments and are most suitable for those students who can apply learning in new contexts, using higher order thinking and problem-solving skills.
The curriculum-based assessments are connected to the relevant years of schooling and will challenge participants to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning. If students are interested, they can choose to complete 1, 2, 3 or more of the assessments.
The benefits of the ICAS are:
When ICAS is offered, there is no obligation for any student to participate; we simply provide these assessments for students who their families believe would benefit from this experience. The tests do have a cost which is paid directly to the University of NSW (UNSW Global), which is the ICAS distributor in Australia via a parent payment portal and unique HHPS school payment code.
The Year Level Equivalence Table will support you in finding the practice test at the appropriate level.
Certificates of Achievement:Certificates acknowledging student performance is awarded by the UNSW.These are based on the following:
There is no obligation to do anything that is going to cause families and students stress when wishing to prepare for ICAS assessments.
The following tips are suggestions of how to prepare to ‘be your best’
1) Be familiar with the test formats (2021 formats are provided below)
Digital Technologies:
Spelling Bee
2) Access the ICAS Frameworks (these will be shared via Compass)
3) Access the Test Preparation materials on the ICAS website at:https://www.icasassessments.com/icas-preparation-tools/
4) Complete additional practice tests.
A selection of Practice tests is available to the families of HHPS students.The link to these tests will be emailed to ICAS registered students directly (and shared via Compass) These have been sourced and purchased by HHPS.
5) Be calm and just try your best
If you are requiring further information then please refer to:https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas/
In addition, you may also like to contact the school if you have any further queries.