Since opening Harvest Home Primary School has strived for and stretched the boundaries of what world-class teaching and learning is. Our focus on providing the best learning for all students. As a school, we see learning as more than just what we ‘know’ – that is content knowledge. The focus for us is about looking at learning for the whole child, which includes the student’s well-being (our SWPBS framework), knowledge (teaching and Learning – Victorian Curriculum) and expanding the experience through our Specialists program.
Beyond all of this, we now have focus for the students on how to learn.
We are therefore pleased to share our Harvest Home Learner Dispositions.
Learner Dispositions are habits in which we think and approach learning. As a school we have finalised the 7 dispositions that we as a HHPS learner.
The Harvest Home Learner Dispositions are:
As a school we use our dispositions in everything we do. This new language is not a replacement for what we currently have but rather is embedded to enhance our current practice.
As a school we are preparing students for a future that will have a workforce with jobs that may not have been created yet. With the world rapidly changing, the skills and thinking that businesses are looking for is less about the ability to recall knowledge, but more importantly how people collaborate, adapt and problem-solving. Put simply, it is less about what you know, but more about how you can apply your knowledge. Preparing students with learner dispositions teaches the student to become more aware as a learner as it focuses on the skills that allow them to use and connect to learning in a more practical way. There is widespread research that shows that understanding the process of learning has a significant positive impact on a students’ education. Developing and implementing an understanding of what a ‘good learner’ thinks and does when approaching learning is able to take the students’ ability to connect and understand the lesson content to a far deeper level. As a school we are looking at not just creating ‘good HHPS learners’, but also developing their ability to make sense of the learning and therefore foster lifelong learners.